At the Airport

There are several services that can take you to the city or other suburbs from both Melbourne and Avalon Airports


Sky bus

skybus logo



At the Melbourne airport, you can take the bus at the T1 and T3. There’re destination options that you can choose: Southern Cross (Melbourne CBD), South bank (Dockland), St. Kilda, and Frankston & Penninsula. The tickets are sold in front of T1, T3, & T4; map of the ticket booths is shown below…

Click this picture to see more info on Skybus website!

The ticket fare is AU$19 for a one-way trip and AU$36 for a round trip. More information about the price here.


Public bus and Regional bus

At the Melbourne airport, the bus stops are located in front of the T4, transport hub (ground floor).

These buses require Myki card, which can be bought at both Skybus booth and on the bus.



The place to grab a taxi is shown below…

tax map.PNG


Car rental



Uber X

uber pick up.PNG


Fun Facts:

There 4 airports in Melbourne

  • Melbourne International airport (Tullamarine)
  • Avalon airport
  • Essendon airport (airport west)
  • Moorabin airport


Source: Skybus, Melbourn airport, PTVRail Gallery .